Snake Eyes
You looking to find the "Snake Eyes" Good news! You can purchase Snake Eyes with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Snake Eyes Review
I find that people don't really give Snake Eyes enough credit. There are claims that Cage's character can't really be related to. Well, how many movies can you find where you can actually relate to what the character is going through? I don't know about you, but I have a very hard time relating to Bruce Willis' part in "Die Hard" and I also have a tough time relating to Nicolas Cage's character in "Gone In 60 Seconds". Why? Because I've never been a One-man army against terrorists and I've never been a car thief. The point is, that you don't have to relate to the character to enjoy the movie.I find this movie enjoyable because the camera work is superb, the plot keeps you interested, and Cage plays his role as a weak, corrupted cop very well. Cage's character really comes across as being a flashy sleezeball, and yet some people are attributing that to poor acting on his part. There is a fine line between bad acting and a bad character. Unfortunately, many people confuse the two.Overall, if you're looking for an excellent mystery/suspense flick, put this on your lists of things to see. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews� Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | PermalinkComment�Comment (1)Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Snake Eyes" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Snake Eyes ...
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