Monday, January 9, 2012

Jeffrey (PAL - Import)

Jeffrey (PAL - Import)

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Jeffrey (PAL - Import) On Sale

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Jeffrey (PAL - Import) Review

The professional reviewer missed the main point of Jeffrey's dilemma. He's not so afraid of getting AIDS; he's afraid of falling in love with a man who then dies of it. Most people figure a 50% chance of dying before their spouse; but taking on a person with a known, fatal disease throws those odds way out of kilter and creates a desperate, poignant situation.

Steve Weber is no gayer than George Bush but he certainly is an enthusiastic kisser. This was the first film I saw Michael Weiss in and he totally had me convinced he was gay. I knew Patrick Stewart isn't, but his performance is dead on.

Overall, a very funny movie with a big, big heart.

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