Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Civil War Life - Shot to Pieces

Civil War Life - Shot to Pieces

Shock Sale Civil War Life - Shot to Pieces very cheapYou looking to find the "Civil War Life - Shot to Pieces" Good news! You can purchase Civil War Life - Shot to Pieces with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Civil War Life - Shot to Pieces On Sale

Price: $118.03   Updated Price for Civil War Life - Shot to Pieces now
Purchase Civil War Life - Shot to Pieces low price

Product Description

The biographical documentary that shows one man's courage and fortitude: Harvard student William F. Bartlett stretches the bounds of human resilience in "Shot to Pieces." His determination to triumph in battle is legendary. Hit again and again by Confede

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Civil War Life - Shot to Pieces Review

This amazing and true tale follows the Civil War life of General Bartlett who survived multiple skirmishes, battles and hardships throughout his military career. This story starts with Bartlett barely surviving a dangerous skirmish and retreat during the battle of Ball's Bluff when he was a Captain of Company I, 20th Massachusetts. Bartlett is soon promoted a number of times while losing a leg and suffering from a multiple of wounds. Contrary to family pleas not to go back to the field, Bartlett faces the enemy on countless occasions and is eventually promoted to Brigadier General at the age of 24. The action never stops and the re-enactments are great. Michael Kraus,David Neville and company have put together their finest work in this production that captures the heart, bravery and boldness of a great Union officer. A nice thing to add is that this production is created by historians who care about proper clothing and following the absolute correct formats of those they are portraying. Excellent re-enactments and fighting await you in this 80 minute story about a man that defied many odds during the Civil War. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews� Was this review helpful to you?�Yes No Report abuse | PermalinkComment Comment

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