Evolution: Educational Set with Judgement Day - Intelligent Design
You looking to find the "Evolution: Educational Set with Judgement Day - Intelligent Design" Good news! You can purchase Evolution: Educational Set with Judgement Day - Intelligent Design with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price:
Product Feature
- This curriculum kit, specifically for educators, includes the 7-part Evolution series on 4 DVDs; a supplemental educator's film featuring 7 shortroom segments that explore the fundamental concepts of biological evolution and 4 teacher methodology segments that highlight the teaching of evolution in realrooms around the country, plus a 40-page downloadable teacher's guide; and the NOVA film
Evolution: Educational Set with Judgement Day - Intelligent Design Review
If you want convincing evidences for evolution, this DVD set is it. I watched it over and over again. The DVD about the Dover Pennsylvania trial on Intelligent Design is also a excellent walkthrough of the flaws and fallacies about intelligent design, and convincing evidences of evolution - both as a fact and a well supported scientific theory. High schools should have a copy for students to view!Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Evolution: Educational Set with Judgement Day - Intelligent Design" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Evolution: Educational Set with Judgement Day - Intelligent Design ...
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