Friday, December 2, 2011

O Fantasma [VHS]

O Fantasma [VHS]

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O Fantasma [VHS] Review

In 2000, Jo�o Pedro Rodrigues directed and co-wrote a dark and unusual film entitled "O Fantasma" ("Phantom" in English). The film's protagonist is a young man named S�rgio (Ricardo Meneses), who works as a garbage collector in Lisbon, Portugal usually during the predawn hours. S�rgio lives alone and has very few friends (which are mostly his coworkers), but identifies with a dog named Lorde. He is also obsessed with having casual, gratuitous sex with anonymous men, which never seems to satisfy him. One morning, while collecting trash from a private home, S�rgio meets a very attractive and muscular man named Jo�o (Andr Barbosa) working on his motorcycle and is immediately attracted to him. Unfortunately, Jo�o, who lives with his mother (Maria Paola Porru), becomes the object of obsession for S rgio, who begins to unrepentantly stalk him. This and several other actions by S�rgio are symptoms of a mental disorder known as De Clerambault's Syndrome, which causes S rgio to enter an increasingly delusional, animalistic and predatory state of mind.Filmed mostly at night, the cinematography in "O Fantasma" is usually dark, colorless and surreal. This adds to the feelings of inner darkness and loneliness that S rgio experiences as his obsessions slowly destroy his ability to interact with others and transforms him into the anonymous, shadowy phantom wearing a tight, black, all-encompassing costume like a comic book antihero. Other memorable characters in the film include S�rgio's coworker F tima (Beatriz Torcata), his boss Virgilio (Enrico Vieira), M rio (Joaquim Oliveira), Matos (Florindo Louren o) and the two police officers (Jorge Almeida and Jo�o Rui Guerra da Mata, who also did the art direction and costume design in the film). Overall, I rate "O Fantasma" with 4 out of 5 stars. Clearly, the film isn't for everyone, but it was directed and acted well. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews� Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | PermalinkComment�Comment (1)

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