Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Pear (Institutional Use) (PAL)

The Pear (Institutional Use) (PAL)

Shock Sale The Pear (Institutional Use) (PAL) very cheapYou looking to find the "The Pear (Institutional Use) (PAL)" Good news! You can purchase The Pear (Institutional Use) (PAL) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

The Pear (Institutional Use) (PAL) On Sale

Price: $125.00    Updated Price for The Pear (Institutional Use) (PAL) now
Purchase The Pear (Institutional Use) (PAL) low price

Product Description

One man... one pear... one friend to help...Help with what exactly?! A determined outcast and his accomplice decide to embark on a world first. Through sheer determination and 24 hours of no sleeping, ill news drives our hero to the brink of lunacy until his trusty friend consoles him with another offer. What will he do? Will he do anything? Or has life just made him more determined to strive for greater things? This short film is sure to make you...confused, take you outside your comfort zone and possibly even ask if we the filmmakers need professional intervention or do we even know what we're doing?! Judge for yourself...

This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.


The Pear (Institutional Use) (PAL) Review

Yes it pretty much sums up the synopsis, weird and kooky, the production levels are pretty amateur, but the concept and performances are great!

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "The Pear (Institutional Use) (PAL)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from The Pear (Institutional Use) (PAL) ...

Buy The Pear (Institutional Use) (PAL) Cheap

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