F For Fake !, Vérit �s et mensonges (Region 2) [French Import]
You looking to find the "F For Fake !, Vérit s et mensonges (Region 2) [French Import]" Good news! You can purchase F For Fake !, V rités et mensonges (Region 2) [French Import] with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price: $107.00
F For Fake !, Vérit� s et mensonges (Region 2) [French Import] Review
I thoroughly enjoyed this amusing quasi-documentary. But then, I'd sit through 90 minutes of Orson Welles sitting in front of a white sheet talking about anything. Has there ever been a more spellbinding narrative voice? His voice-over for the trailer of STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTURE made it sound like the Second Coming of Christ!Some of the other reviewers here sound as if they could use some Ex-Lax. Chill out, will ya? This isn't supposed to be a profound statement. The old man's just having a little fun.
Having said this, I will immediately contradict myself by noting that the scene in which Welles ruminates on the longevity of art while contemplating Chartres Cathedral touched me deeply. In the context of his tattered career, and the ever-growing stature of his masterpiece CITIZEN KANE, it suggests that Welles at last attained some measure of peace with his life and achievements.
The DVD itself looks and sounds terrific.
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "F For Fake !, Vérit s et mensonges (Region 2) [French Import]" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from F For Fake !, Vérités et mensonges (Region 2) [French Import] ...
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