Saturday, November 17, 2012

Degrassi High Collection (14 Volume Set) [VHS]

Degrassi High Collection (14 Volume Set) [VHS]

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Degrassi High Collection (14 Volume Set) [VHS] On Sale

Price: $142.45    Updated Price for Degrassi High Collection (14 Volume Set) [VHS] now
Purchase Degrassi High Collection (14 Volume Set) [VHS] low price

Product Description

Degrassi High confronts it all--friendship, love, death, stress, pregnancy, rumors, rebellion, drinking and more--with all the same kids from the popular Junior High series. Sometimes moving, sometimes shocking, but always believable, Degrassi High is a classic for teens of all ages. Find your seat--school's open! Includes all 28 episodes of Degrassi High.
14 hours on 14 cassettes.

Degrassi High Collection (14 Volume Set) [VHS] Review

It all began with the simple reading of an article in The Austin American-Statesman about a new show to debut on PBS. The show was entitled Degrassi Junior High, and then I didn't know what kind of effect it would have on me. The watched the first episode with anticipation called "Kiss Me, Steph", where DJH class tease Stephanie Kaye buys votes to the class presidentcy by giving classmates a kiss. She eventually wins and never even bothers to think her friends for help in the campaign. The show, produced by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, taught me lots of things about the facts of life: alcohol, drugs, pregnancy, homosexuality, and peer pressure. It also showed that Canadian students were given a lot of leeway on styles of dress. In the above mentioned episode, Stephanie comes to school dressed in very nice clothes, a dress and a blouse. Then, before school starts, she changes into very revealing (and I mean revealing) clothes. She could have been a canidate for the talk show topic, "My Fourteen Year Old Dresses Like Trash". Anyway, my new venture into the world of Degrassi was just beginning (The show was later retitled Degrassi High). In the coming years I would meet all sorts of characters: Joey Jeriamiah, the class clown always on the take; Derek Wheeler (aka "Wheels"), a `lost soul' whose parents were killed by a drunk driver; Caitlin, a feminist activist who falls for the unlikely Joey. You also had your share of couple "items", just like in any school. There was relationships between Alexa and Simon, a transparent couple made for each other, and Michelle and Bryant (nicknamed BLT), an interracial couple. What I liked was I was able to relate to these kids because many of them where going through the same things I was. Unlike bigger productions about high school (like 90210 or Saved by the Bell), this show was very realistic in its method. It handled all sorts of topics in a sensitive and realistic manner. Unlike many TV shows today, Degrassi didn't always have a happy ending. This was upholding to its realism saying that life is not that way. Every action has a reaction, and you will have to deal with the consequences to come. That is what I learned from the show. Every Saturday night at 6 pm, my eyes were glued to the further adventures of the students of Degrassi. Not only did it teach me about life lessons, but it was a damn good soap opera in the sense of the word (that's if you wanted to consider it a soap opera). The show was also a life preserver for me because I had a pretty rough time of it myself. I went through the weekly drudge of going to high school, but during the weekend, I headed for Degrassi. The people were more likeable and friendly than what I was given at my school. Degrassi was a to me was a fun, happening place. I felt like the characters on the show were my actual friends. Of course, I wouldn't go around and say that I hung around with Joey and Wheels during the weekend (The school shrink would've had a ball decyphering that one). Still, it was a place for me to get away. I remember a two part episode of a show that gave me an idea. The show focused on the relationship between Michelle and BLT. Her father sees them outside kissing in front of the house. He disapproves of this since BLT is black, and tells Michelle she cannot see him anymore. So she decides to move out. The problems with my family life weren't getting any better, so i wanted to move out. Even someone volunteered to put me up, but it never came to that. I decided to stay home to tough it out. Still, Degrassi gave me courage to stand up to injustices in my family. Recently, Degrassi reruns ran on Showtime, and box sets of every episode are now availible to own (which i plan to get soon). Fans sites are now availible all over the Internet as the show has achieved cult legend status. I will never forget the other school I went to on the weekends, and the fun times I shared along with millions of other people. I hold those moments closer to my heart than my time in high school. Even though they weren't real, they felt real. Thanks, Degrassi.

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