Video Series for Beginning Watercolor Painters Complete Set Volumes 1 through 5 [VHS]
You looking to find the "Video Series for Beginning Watercolor Painters Complete Set Volumes 1 through 5 [VHS]" Good news! You can purchase Video Series for Beginning Watercolor Painters Complete Set Volumes 1 through 5 [VHS] with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Product Description
The complete 5-volume set of videos for the beginning watercolor student, these videos cover all the basics: Tools and Materials (Vol 1), Brushwork, Washes and Textures (Vol 2), Color Mixing - Hue, Value and Intensity (Vol 3), Color Mixing - Paint Qualities (Vol 4), and Composition for Landscape and Still Life (Vol 5). See the listings for the individual volumes for a more complete description of the contents of each video.Video Series for Beginning Watercolor Painters Complete Set Volumes 1 through 5 [VHS] Review
What's good ---Five, jam-packed 60-minute videos that are detailed and thorough, presenting a large array of beginner watercolor information, techniques and practice exercisesWhat's bad ---
Obviously low-budget, mediocre production and packaging; bland presentation; somewhat expensive****Finally I've found a set of instructional videos to help me seriously begin painting with watercolor without struggling through the learning of techniques from a book or sitting through a watercolor product sales pitch.I must admit that I thought I had just purchased a flop when the videos arrived. For the amount of money spent, it was surprising to find that the packaging looks as if it was partially printed at the artist's home, and although inspiring, the instructor was somewhat bland in her presentation. As well, the lack of camera angles and over-exposed picture made it somewhat difficult at times to clearly understand what was being presented. For example, most of the technique close-ups are shown at a right-front camera angle instead of over-the-shoulder, forcing you to watch them almost upside-down.The five videos progress through everything the beginning watercolorist needs to know to get started and then some. In the first video, which is dedicated to equipment, we learn about paper, paints, brushes and various other tools. If you're like me and you've researched and purchased your stuff, this information may seem somewhat redundant.
Volumes 2 through 4 get to the techniques of watercolor -- how to work paper and brush; applying paint; using, buying and mixing the colors; understanding color; preparing swatches and more. Nearly all of my questions were answered in these three videos, and I was REALLY ready to start painting by the fourth video.Volume 5 focuses on preparing and planning compositions for your paintings. If you're just starting out, learning the things contained in this volume (such as "the rule of 3rds", leading the eye through a composition, etc.) can be invaluable tools as you grow and practice. For more experienced artists though, this information may feel a little like a fine arts refresher course.Throughout each video, there are key points at which you, the student, are challenged to stop the video and "try it yourself," making the otherwise passive experience of video more interactive. I suggest, however, watching the entire set at least one time without pausing, as some information contained in the later videos may be of benefit as one explores the earlier exercises.Although I would have liked to see MUCH higher overall production value in these videos for their associated cost, I highly recommend the series for anyone just starting out in watercolor. Ellen Fountain has done a good job at simplifying, explaining and teaching something that once felt very daunting and complicated. ... Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you?�Yes No Report abuse | PermalinkComment�Comment
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