Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Hidden Face of Homelessness (Institutional License)

The Hidden Face of Homelessness (Institutional License)

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The Hidden Face of Homelessness (Institutional License) On Sale

Price: $95.00   Updated Price for The Hidden Face of Homelessness (Institutional License) now
Purchase The Hidden Face of Homelessness (Institutional License) low price

Product Feature

  • Educational Documentary.
  • Licensed for institutional use.
  • Independently produced and distributed.

Product Description

This poignant and factual documentary examines the difficult choices that so many who find themselves homeless must make each day to survive, even as they hide from those who really should be able to help them. The documentary offers insight, dispels myths and stereotypes, and proposes real solutions. Through several interviews with experts as well as the homeless themselves, the documentary shows that 80-90% of the homeless population does not fit the stereotypes. These are people we encounter on a daily basis, working at a market or in an office, but have no place to go at the end of the day. Although this documentary is filmed in Rhode Island (second only to Nevada in terms of percentage of population that is homeless), it addresses issues that are common throughout the US.

Also available for home use.

This institutional edition includes: DVD, licensing fee for institutional use at a single location, an additional chapter division returning to the menu after each chapter, and a study guide to facilitate group discussion. Broadcast or public performance rights are not included.

Topics include:
- Who are the homeless?
- Causes of Homelessness
- Prejudice and Humiliation
- The Chronic Homeless
- Troubled Childhood
- Daily Struggles
- We Know the Solution
- But Do We Have the Will?

A very effective impression of a complex issue to help the viewers understand homelessness. Effective, thoughtful representation of this issue.
-- Jim Ryczek, Executive Director, RI Coalition for the Homeless

Very well done. This documentary is important because it gives a good understanding of the issue of homelessness.
-- Russell Partridge, Program Director, Warm Shelter, Westerly, RI

Very professionally and compassionately done! Thank you! It is definitely worth seeing!
-- Linda Watkins, Vice-President, Amos House


The Hidden Face of Homelessness (Institutional License) Review

This documentary gets to the heart of homelessness and without a doubt will move you. There are poignant interviews with previously homeless and currently homeless individuals who share their stories of how easily they went from hard-working citizens with stable incomes, to having no place to sleep at night. Beyond the stories, there are substantial interviews with local experts, people who work for organizations like Amos House and Crossroads, here in Rhode Island. They explain statistics and facts and dispel many myths and stereotypes surrounding homelessness. If you live in Rhode Island, I highly recommend that you watch this film and educate yourself on an epidemic happening RIGHT HERE at home. And if you live elsewhere-- this is most certainly a worthwhile documentary to watch, if for no other reason than to understand the core issues of homelessness and to understand how easy it would be for any of us to slip into the world of homelessness.

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