Before Sunrise
You looking to find the "Before Sunrise" Good news! You can purchase Before Sunrise with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price: $131.04
Before Sunrise Review
When I heard the story line for Before Sunrise, a slacker American played by Ethan Hawke falls in love in Europe with Julie Delpy, I rolled my eyes. But this is a thoughftul and compelling movie that broke down my skeptical and cynical wall. First, the movie takes us through the awkward stages of two people going from being perfect strangers to removing their own walls and falling in love in a way that is never sappy. Using this falling-in-love motif, the director/writer Richard Linklater addresses several profound themes: the nature of time, the conflict between cynicism and romance, the obsession with death, the shortcomings of "adulthood." The dialogue between Hawke and Delpy is philosophical but never too abstract; it seems to stem from their well-drawn characters. I suppose there's a parallel between the breaking down of my own cynicism and the characters'. They have been hurt by life, have put up their walls, and, through their discussions, they have gradually removed those walls so that by the movie's end you think it's a crime if they don't fall in love and live happily ever after. But the movie is more complex than a happy ending. The movie forces you to ask if their love would survive if removed from the brief ecstasy of their single day (and night) together. Is the brevity the cause of their ecstasy? Would a life of marriage disintigrate into the mundane? The characters struggle with these questions in what is my favorite romantic movie.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Before Sunrise" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Before Sunrise ...
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