Conecta Ao Vivo No Cinematheque
You looking to find the "Conecta Ao Vivo No Cinematheque" Good news! You can purchase Conecta Ao Vivo No Cinematheque with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price: $124.68
Conecta Ao Vivo No Cinematheque Review
First of all; let me add the tracks of this concert since they are not available at this Amazon page:1. Selva de Pedra
2. Jet Samba
3. Esperando O Messias
4. Valeu
5. On Line
6. Garra
7. Wanda Vidal
8. Brasil X Mexico
9. Agua de Coco
10. Proton Eletron Neutron
11. Nem Paleto Nem Gravata
12. Mentira
13. Batucada Surgiu
14. Cara Valente
15. Samba de Verao
16. Nem Paleto Nem Gravata / O Vencedor
17. Dragao
18. Boa Hora
19. Homem Ao Mar
20. Estrelar
21. Nao Tem Nada Nao
22. Sincerely Hot / O Cafona
23. Os Grilos
24. Lost in Tokyo Subway
- Marcos Valle / Keyboards, Guitar, Vocals, Arrangements, Direction
- Patricia Alvi / Vocals, Production
- Jesse Sadoc / Trumpet , Flugelhorn
- Renato Franco / Sax, Flute
- Mazinho Ventura / Bass Guitar
- Adal Fonseca / Drums
- Leandro Joaquim / Trumpet, Flugelhorn
- Marcelo Camelo / Fino Coletivo / +2 / DJ Plinio Profeta & DJ Nado Leal
This recording is a collection of 4 concerts played in Rio de Janeiro after Marcos' tour in Europe; the group plays great, the vocals of Marcos and Patricia are awesome and many of his most famous songs are included here; a true collectible!!!!!!!!!
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Conecta Ao Vivo No Cinematheque" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Conecta Ao Vivo No Cinematheque ...
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