Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Denise Austin - Step Workout [VHS]

Denise Austin - Step Workout [VHS]

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Product Description

Step training offers a great workout that tones the major muscles of the lower body with movements that are easier on the joints than traditional floor aerobics. Denise Austin's Step Workout showcases the basic choreography and terminology of step training. This 40-minute class works the quadricep, gluteal, and hamstring muscles through repetitive stepping motions and various combinations that incorporate the upper body as well. Uncomplicated step instruction is the emphasis throughout this session with repeaters, V-steps, and turn steps peppered throughout "basic rights" and "basic lefts" (these are terms used to describe the motion of the lead foot that steps up on the bench and then steps down to the floor). Isolating movements such as bicep curls, lateral raises, and tricep kick backs are done while stepping. The utilization of upper and lower body muscles provides an overall workout that offers increased stamina and strength to any exerciser. The cardiovascular benefits of this program are substantial, and the moves may be less jarring (which may be great for those with knee, back, or hip problems) than running or high impact aerobics. If participants use full range of motion, controlled steps, and keep accurate form in mind, this layout can't go wrong. Austin provides the foundation for a safe and effective workout and even teaches beginners how to find their target heart rate range. The cardio set is rounded out with 10-minutes of floor conditioning that highlights inner and outer thigh, gluteal, and abdominal muscles. A mat and a step are necessary for this program. --Olivia Voigts

Denise Austin - Step Workout [VHS] Review

Fitness-wise, I'm at the beginner level because I haven't worked out for a couple of years after having my first child. However, I've done step aerobics classes before, so I'm not a total neophyte in that area. At the same time, I'm not into dancy moves & prefer easy-to-follow steps. When I decided that I needed to get back into shape, I bought this video at the same time I bought my step. Pros:
- Movements are not difficult to follow & gave me a good workout even at my very first use.- Absolute beginners can benefit from one step model who is right at front & demonstrates simpler moves
- It's not boring & most of the steppers look enthusiastic enough
- Broken up into 12-14 minutes sections so you can customize your workout (when I started, I was only able to do segment#1, so I skipped to the cool-down section immediately. Now I can do all 3 aerobic segments).
- Has cool-down segments & toning segments as well
- Kathy Smith has fairly good cuing in this video (2 or 3 slip-ups, but it doesn't bother me anymore) & straight-forward instructions
- Good intro at the beginning to give you safety tips for your workout. However, this is also a drawback since I don't need to watch this part anymore & have to fast-forward everytime I use the videoCons:
- Movements may be too simple/boring for intermediate-advanced steppers or those who like a lot of dancy movements
- The intro at the beginning of the tape is kind of long & you'll have to fast-forward through it to get to the warm-up segmentBottom line:
This video is a good workout for beginners, beginner-intermediate, and for people who don't want to deal with complicated dancy moves. Combined with a low-fat, sensible & balanced diet, you can start losing that extra weight! Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you?�Yes No Report abuse | PermalinkComment�Comment (1)

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